Monday, March 5, 2012

A Proud Mommy Moment

We went for a late afternoon hike yesterday in Vasona Park. A had decided to ride his scooter since we had proposed the hiking idea to him. We were walking by the lake and he was scooting along. Then there was this off-ramp he had to go down. The steep road ended into a main road with bikes and pedestrians zooming along and then there was the lake itself.  Daddy warned him to slow down but it was too late, he was already speeding.  He had to act quick and think even quicker. He was speeding and I could hear him say aaa ... aaa ... .  He got very close to the end of the road where he had to turn right and merge into the main road otherwise, the lake. Daddy was already running down after him with the desperate hope to catch him before he falls. I was just walking down trying to think what he should be thinking.  Surprisingly, he managed to turn right!  Two feet to the bottom and he managed to turn tight! Wow! And just a second after that his scooter whirled and he lost control. He got thrown off of his scooter. The scooter went left and he flew  on to the ground with a after shock when his chick bumped on the ground. Ouch! My heart ached for his pain! Daddy got there with wide open eyes and completely worried look, tried to help him get up. A turned his head back, I could see in his eyes that he was more shocked than hurt. He was not sure  if to cry. I got down smiling "it was just like skiing wasn't it?". "yeah" he responded and his eyes sparkled. Daddy straightened the scooter and rode it himself to try the break. It was working. He then reminded him how to use it. A heard him, got on and zoomed away! His chick was completely red and scratched. In the next stop we compressed his skin with the iced water bottles we had brought from home. After an hour of playing in the play ground and scooting around we were walking back when we got to the same off-road steep ramp. To my utmost surprise and honor he claimed "I wanna see if I can manage this time" and he walked his scooter up the ramp. Of course daddy and I were staying down to catch him if needed. This time, he had a complete and honorary landing! Oh! Was I proud!

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