Friday, July 27, 2007

the new era

I got an offer from a very reputable medical device company.
The me side of me is very excited and happy; the mom side of me, however, is wary and hesitant. This is going to be a new era for me, and for us. I am going to become more independent from Arman and vice versa.
I am going to resume my professional life, and grow mentally and professionally. At the same time I am going to miss Arman like crazy.
Arman is going to meet other children every day, play with them, eat with them, babble words with them, and learn with them. He might miss me for a while. Eventually though he will grow out of it, I am sure. He will start to find this as a new routine in his life.
I, however, am never gonna grow out of missing him. That is only my feeling and I have no proof for that but I am confident.
This is the worst thing about being a mom so far: having to leave my baby with another person.


Anonymous said...

Wow , tabrik migam behetttttt Leila jooni .

midnight/... said...

mersi Goli gole :) See you soon :)

Nazy said...

Salam Nimeh Shab Jan:

Congratulations on your job offer my friend! You wrote your thoughts and feelings so well my dear. The days I had to leave my babies with cartakers and go back to work were some of the saddest days of my life (they were a lot younger than Arman). As time goes by and you feel comfortable in your new job and Arman in his new surroundings, you will find that your thinking about the time you spend with him changes, and improves, too. You will concentrate on your now more limited time to have better quality in it. You will spend it doing things that are good for Arman and for you. The really incredible thing about young professional mothers is that something awesome also happens in their work attitudes when they have young children at home. They become much more organized and efficient in achieving results. During the years I worked with young engineers, I found women engineers with young children at home to be some of the best project managers I had ever seen. They had well-developed and fine-tuned personal abilities to prioritize, plan, and deliver results, every time.

I know this is a hard time for you Nimeh Shab Jan,but soon you will find the emotional and physical rythm and mechanism by which to make it work. As for Arman, he might catch some colds he gets from his new friends, but there is nothing about the changes which will take place in his life that isn't good for him! He will develop social skills, learn new games to play from experts in the field, develop his bilingual language skills, and grow! Take good care of yourself Nimeh Shab Jan. Good luck on your first day of work. Do tell us all about it!

midnight/... said...

Nazy joon thanks for your priceless comment. I have a feeling about what you shared. I think despite the fact that the quantity of my time with Arman will decrease but the quality will increase. I hope! I will keep you posted on my first day at work enshaalaa.