Friday, May 3, 2013

To Manage for the First Time

I had managed technicians before.
I am managing an Associate Product Manager now, whom I really am happy with his performance thus far and think of him as an asset.  I actually brought him on board myself after his initiation.
But starting Monday, I will be managing the first person I have hired myself.
I must admit, the hiring process was a humbling experience.  Up until then I thought going to an interview was a difficult task, to get a hiring manager be able to see your abilities in 30-60 minutes.  However, when I was on the hiring shoes this past time I found that equally or even more so challenging.  I needed to figure out the abilities of an interviewee in 30-60 minutes!
I am excited and anxious about it.  I ordered two new books from Amazon and just received them:
Managing Right for the First Time by David Baker
Becoming Resonant Leader by McKee, Boyatzis, Johnston
I have two days to study them.  Grabbing a Orange Blossom drink, opening the shades, and sitting in the backyard reading the books.  That will be my weekend plan.

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