Thursday, July 7, 2011

Forbidden Line

SDS: "... may be you are starting to realize that the only forbidden lines that exist are those you create yourself.  The lines impressed on us by other people, societies, or cultures are inaccurate. You are crossing YOUR boundaries and it is challenging your previous conception of who you are!  Isn't it exhilarating?"


MRB said...

چقدر مسئولیت آدم زیاده اینطوری...و راستش سفت و سخت ترین مرزها همین مرزهای خودساخته است که خیلی کار میبره گذشتن ازشون...ا
چه خبرای خوش؟ خیلی وقته بی خبرم ازت

midnight/... said...

I shall call u. Miss u sooooo much...